Art Curved Straight

Megan McHugh

Megan McHugh is a visual artist based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 

Megan McHugh
Art Curved Straight
© 2017  Joseph De Mario


Art Curved Straight produces film, art, and curatorial projects.
PO Box 1925
Santa Fe, NM 87504

Demolition: Troll

Directed by MeganiMcHugh
Produced by Art Curved Straight

A timely tale of the Bay Bridge, the mythological world of its Troll and the blacksmith-sculptor who forged him.

Demolition: Troll explores the history of the Bay Bridge Troll and its creation by a local blacksmith-sculptor to protect the bridge in the aftermath of the 6.9 Loma Prieta.  The earthquake rocked the Bay Area in 1989, damaging the eastern span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. As the bridge repair neared completion, the Troll was secretly attached by ironworkers where it remained for twenty-four years.

Featuring interviews with Howard Stoltz, whose company repaired the earthquake-damaged bridge, Michael Bondi, who suggested a gargoyle to protect it and Bill Roan, artist-blacksmith and creator of the Troll.

Megan McHugh and crew filmed Demolition: Troll in the Bay Area over a six month period during 2013.  These were the days before the 77-year-old eastern span closed for good – slated to be demolished.  The film captures a unique moment: with the Troll’s fate in question and the $6.4 billion seismic safe bridge ready to open.

Official Selections: Mill Valley Film Festival; SF DocFest; Scary Cow Independent Film Festival, San Francisco
Screenings: Oakland Museum of California; Paramount Theater, Oakland
Award: Scary Cow Members Choice Award

SFC Video Archives – Meghann Riepenhoff in conversation with Emily Lambert

Directed by MeganiMcHugh
Produced by Art Curved Straight

A conversation at SF Camerawork between artist Meghann Riepenhoff and Emily Lambert, Associate Director, Fraenkel Gallery. Riepenhoff’s exhibition of cyanotypes, entitled Littoral Drift, was on view at SFC from December 10, 2015 – February 3, 2016.


Filmed and Directed by MeganiMcHugh
Produced by Art Curved Straight

A psychological portrait of Taylor Beattie. Transitioning from “male” to”female”, he stands outside a women’s restroom.

Official Selections: Denver Starz Film Festival; Scary Cow Independent Film Festival, San Francisco
Screening: New Filmmakers, New York City

Revolving Doors; Chris Fraser at San Francisco Camerawork (trailer)

Directed by MeganiMcHugh
Produced by Art Curved Straight

Artist Chris Fraser created a site-specific installation on view February 5 through March 21, 2015 at SF Camerawork.

Words (trailer)

Filmed and Directed by MeganiMcHugh
Produced by Art Curved Straight

WORDS follows an eclectic group of sixteen American teenagers, ages 15-22, as they travel from New Mexico to northern India. They are participants in a summer-long educational program sponsored by the Sustainable Global Leadership Alliance. It is a challenging experience, traveling in a third-world country while dealing with the demanding curriculum and group dynamics.

Watching this feature documentary, filmed and directed by Megan McHugh, we experience the young seekers as they navigate both a new world and their encounters with each other – far from home.

Official Selection: Albuquerque Film and Media Experience, New Mexico

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